Saturday, March 8, 2014

Issue Two: School

Stay in school. I mean I don't have to tell you that but you got be reminded every now and then. If you drop out right away and don't graduate, you will probably end up be flipping burgers at McDonald's until you get promoted to cashier and you will have low income and eventually lose your house and die. So stay in school or you will die!

Nah, I'm kidding. I am just saying that school is your best plan of action to have a good life. I mean if something happens, like you can't go due to a baby or something, then at least get a GED. You need to make the right choices so you can get good grades and eventually get a good job

Moving on to classes and teachers. So honestly I think you should just pick your classes and have fun! Like why would you waste your time in a sewing class when you are gong to be a mechanic. I mean you obviously have to take your basics and stuff like that but for electives and stuff then you choose what you want and have a god damn fun ass fucking time doing whatever it is you do.

Now when I think of teachers, I think of this particular teacher I had for second and third grade. She gave us candy and threw us parties. She was probably one of my all time favorite teachers. Bu when I reached middle school, I realized that not every teacher is going to be nice. You don't know how many times I have to restrain myself from completely laying a teacher flat out on her/his ass and wanted to beat the canoodle out of them. But you have to respect them. Give them a break sometimes. Don't be the ass hole that keeps talking even though you know that you were told that you needed to shut up and to quiet down. Like kudos to fucking teachers because most of them have not committed serial killings. Fucking take a second and slow clap that out right now.........

I'll be talking about this topic more at a later time, but let's just mention these people that make out lives hell or heaven. Friends and Foes. Choose good friends and don't be a loner. The more friends you have, the bigger support system you have. And about foes or enemies or skanky bitches, don't pay them any mind. All they want is some dick or vagina and they shouldn't get the benefit out of seeing you squirm. So just be nice and polite and make the right kind of friends.

So let's recap:
  • make good friends
  • don't be a dumb ass kid and drop out of school
  • focus on work
  • respect teachers
  • choose a good work ethic
Now, I am going to actually do something with my life rather than talk to my computer. Good damn bye!

Friday, March 7, 2014

First Issue: Growing up

Growing up is a way of life. I know we all either want to grow up as quick as possible or (if you are already grown up) you want to be young again. If you are a 9 year old reading this and you are just thinking 'Who in the heavenly name of Jonas wants to be younger?' I just have to say that I want to be younger. I mean when you were younger, you could imagine that your bed was a fucking pirate ship or that your floor was lava and the only way to escape was your pillows, but now if you do that, everybody thinks you are trippin out on ecstasy or are completely insane. Don't get me wrong, I love people who are insane but I would rather not get called a basket case.

Okay, so back on topic, younger kids don't understand. Like I am just in middle school, but I have been through some things that most adults have never even imagine. I miss when I could just run down the block to a friend's house and we could play Barbies and listen to Kidz Bop. As of like 5 hours ago, I want to choke a bitch. Like I have 1-800-chokedathoe on speed dial.

When I was younger, I wasn't insecure. I could smile and laugh and I didn't want to completely jump onto the holy train and ride into the golden gates of Heaven (or Hell). Like, I am gonna be honest, growing up has sucked. But that's only because I chose the wrong choices and decided to stray away from the people that made life worth living.

For who ever is reading this or to my future children, you are the one that can make growing up fun. Don't choose the wrong friends, don't base your worth on boys that will only see the pretty on the outside, don't be a hoe that I would choke. Be yourself. Don't change who you are just because one or two or a whole fucking nation tells you to change. Yeah, you might have acne or scars or whatever insecurity you have, but that doesn't mean that you have less worth than the girl/boy with he perfect body or face or smarts. You can't change who you are so accept who you are as soon as you can and you will be okay.

Just remember that everyone grows up. And make right choices and stay in school. And if you are a skanky ass plastic dildo bitch that thinks he/she runs the school/work place, pipe the fuck down and try to get that spiked stick that is up your ass out and stop being so fucking dumb alright?

Now I am going to make more coffee and stay up watching YouTube cause I have no friends and I refuse to grow up. Good damn bye

Intro To The Most Fucked Up Girl You Will Ever Read About

Hi, I'm your normal teenage girl. I am 14 and my name Kyrsten and I'm a girl that has trouble with her feelings and I have no idea what to do with them... So I thought making a blog would help.
So here is a few things you need to know:
  •  I am a fangirl
  • I usually have a very open mind
  • I have...issues that will probably mentioned at some point on here
  • I hate assholes. Sooo if you are an asshole, stop reading and go back to being an ass to everyone
  • I love writing and reading and I am a complete nerd and if you have a problem with that then get the hell off of here and read the last bullet
  • I will tell you my opinions and I don't care if you disagree
I will probably cover topics all over the spectrum of human emotion. No one will read this and I will come back in thirty years and realize what a total loser I was back when I was 14 and was just starting to growing into a miniature Satan crossed with the body of a non human. But I guess that I really don't fucking care what my future self thinks because in the future I will probably become an asshole adult who steals candy and will commit her life to being a hermit.... I'm just rambling now... So I guess I'm gonna go...