Friday, May 2, 2014

Friend or Foe or Both?

This topic is probably gonna be really deep and personal. I have a lot to say on this matter and I don't really know where to start. Um.. I guess I should just start out saying that I have had probably worst and best friends you will ever meet. One of my best friends has hated me then loved me then hated me and loved me. That's what happens when you're a girl with raging hormones and boys on your mind. I have lost friends and made friends. I have left friends and came back to friends. I have forgiven and forgotten and I couldn't ask for better situations.

My friend and I got into a huge blow out over a guy that she ended up dating and I ended up being best friends with. They dated for a couple weeks before ending it over another girl. She blamed me for the break up. And me and her made up after awhile. We talk everyday and so do me and the guy. But my point is that no matter what happens, something good can come out of a negative situation. Yes, I self harmed during this time and some time after, but I had other friends that helped me through it. Do NOT just rely on one friend for your whole life. I did that up until the seventh grade and when that friend hated me for reasons I shall not say, I wanted to kill myself. I thought a whole part of me was gone and buried 6 feet under. I didn't have other friends. This year, I am so thankful that I have hundreds of friends that will support me and stick up for me. I have preppy friends to goth/punk friends, prudes to sluts and religious freaks to homosexuals. Don't limit yourself of diversity when you're still learning how diverse you are. Keep your friends close but always have time for the less important ones. Don't stick to one group. And absolutely don't be the loner person eating lunch in a bathroom stall.

Now on to my favorite and least favorite people: Foes. I have so many people that don't like me that it should be my profession. Some of my friends are my worst enemies. Just don't pick fights with them. There is nothing worse than getting in a fight that you started. Try to be nice and if they are just being assholes, then tell someone and get help. Or build a wall so you don't hear them and just ignore the bastards. This ties into bullying which will be my next post since I am gonna stick with the school kind of theme for awhile. So all I gotta say about foes is: They are just jealous of how absolutely amazing you are and if you still let it get to you, then tell someone and get help. Don't let yourself get attacked by ignorant skanks.

Well I am getting tired of typing so much so I am gonna end my little rant right here and I will start again with bullying next time. Good Damn Bye! xx

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